Friday, March 30, 2007

It has been a wash!

This week has been a long it is finally Friday and it seems to be dragging.

Monday evening A started feeling pretty sick to her stomach...then was feeling pretty warm. Liz's mom came down to spend that night with us, something she pretty much never does. I guess she was feeling extra generous, with A being sick and all.

Wednesday night A woke up in the middle of the night screaming. She was still sick and this time it was at its worst. She couldn't move and Liz took her temperature, it came back at 103 degrees. We took A to the emergency room to have her checked out. We made it back home, after stopping by the 24 hour Walgreens on the way home to pick up 3 medicines for her. At times she feels well, then at other times she isn' kinda comes and goes.

Today, Liz's mom is coming by to pick up A for the next two nights. Meanwhile, Liz and I will be babysitting tonight. One of the daycare parents is needing a favor, so we will oblige. The parents have been generous to us, especially during that week that we stayed with Liz's family while her granny was about to pass. I guess we will be staying in tonight, then. Maybe we will do something tomorrow? I am guessing that Liz's mom will just bring A with her and meet us at LifeChurch on Sunday.

Yesterday was my niece's birthday, happy birthday K! I still don't want her to leave us and move with her mom in AZ. Right now, she is living with my parents to finish out the school year...I want it to stay that way.

I needed to finish mowing the yard this week...but it has kinda been a wash with the much needed rain. I would say it is in my favor, but I'm not so sure. The grass will be thicker than ever when I can finally get back out, what I had already done will need to be done again. Oh well...we definitely need the rain. Also, with the weather we brought the dog in...she still isn't a fan of the crate, so there is whining and barking at different times during the night. Even though she isn't a fan, she really isn't that bad. She will whine and bark for about 10 minutes after she sees someone (A gets up a few times after going to bed...before she falls asleep), then she is quiet the rest of the night (unless she needs a bathroom break). So I have to get up a time or two that I wouldn't normall have to, in order to let her relieve herself....but I am just so glad that she doesn't continually make noise all night long. is to a great weekend!! God bless!!

1 comment:

ann said...

I know you were so disappointed that you couldn't mow the yard this week! Ha ha! A is with me now and we're doing fine. She has had some pain under her rib cage, but other than that she's good! I just checked Elizabeth's blog and saw the great pictures with Princess! She is so cute(now)! As I told Elizabeth, I'm glad she's yours and not mine! My little China doesn't eat that much! Princess will be like feeding another man in the house! Hope you and Elizabeth have fun with Z tonite! Too bad you're stuck inside! Again, ha ha!