Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday's Feast

Appetizer - What was the first job you ever had?
I helped my dad quite a bit during the summers when I was a kid...though I won't count that. I will just say my first job was right after I turned 16...I worked at Brannon's IGA as a sacker.

Soup - Name a profession you have always wanted to try.
Growing up, I always wanted to be a professional football player. I also really wanted to be a PE Teacher and Football Coach.

Salad - Name a profession you would NEVER want to try.
Anything that requires me to be stuck in small confines for a long time (navy, astronaut, etc.)

Entree - What is your favorite sound in the world?
The sound of the net (both nylon and chain) when the basketball swishes through.

Dessert - If there is a Heaven, what would you like to hear from God when you arrive?
First, there is a heaven...Second, I want to hear "Well done, thy good and faithful servant!"

The Friday's Feast chef is away, gathering new recipes and letting special questions simmer. Michael is hosting this week, so visit him over at Valtool's Box and set up your own feast!


Valtool said...

Greetings Mike! Good answers! My first real type of job was bagging groceries too, but it was in the South so we were courtesy clerks or bagboys - guessing from "sacker" you were in the North.

Good answer for the sound, I would have to say I favor the net over the chains.

And as for the dessert, yeah, there is a Heaven, but the question on ItAS is phrased that way. :)

ann said...

Nice feast! The sound of the net! That would be your favorite!

Okie Food Traveler said...

Well, after I did the questionaire I thought about the crowd at an OU game...that is actually probably my favorite. You can't beat when half the stadium yell BOOMER, then the other half yell SOONER afterwards. Awesome!