Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Office Lunch!

Yeah...look at me, I'm blogging! We had an awesome time on our vacation, and hopefully I will blog about that in the next few days with pics and all. I'm gonna TRY and do better...but no promises. Life just gets busy, then a day becomes a week...a week turns into a month...etc. I was just killing time and thought I would vent my frustrations of the office lunch!

For 8 years, everyday that I'm in the office there are a few of us that go out for lunch. We never do the sit down restaurant types, it is always McDonalds, Braums, Chick-Fil-A, pizza buffet...etc. Lately, I have been trying to do better about spending money and being a little healthier, though it is more about money! ;-)

So I bring my lunch and start to eat. You know how it is...ham and cheese sandwich, tuna salad sandwich, pb&j sandwich, or some sort of leftover. I sit down and begin to eat my sandwich with chips...do a little internet surfing on my lunch break.

Then one guy comes in with a fast food sack....the aroma fills the room. He sits down to one side of me with his Braums sack....man that looks good and smells great. I try to ignore it and get back to my sandwich....now I'm depressed because I would MUCH rather be having that.

A few minutes pass and as soon as the elevator opens you can smell that McDonalds sack getting out. Now the other side of me the guy is eating that...MAN!!! In a few moments later, another one with McDonalds. Why do they TORCHER me. At least when I'm on the road, I don't have to smell and watch others having that...I can eat my lunch in peace.

That folks is my story of the office lunch...it never fails, EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!

1 comment:

ann said...

Maybe you could just close your eyes, inhale that luscious aroma and visualize that you are eating McDonald's! Great Idea, Huh? Leave it to your mom-in-law! All you had to do was ask! Love ya