25 Random Things About Me...Why not!?!? I keep getting tagged to do this...I can't let my fans down. Here it is:
1. I have watched every single OU football game either on tv or in person since I was 15...and watched everytime they were on tv since I was about 10.
2. In High School, I shot around in the Lloyd Noble arena while ESPN Camera crews were setting up for an OU game...the camera guys walked up to me curious if OU was recruiting me. AWESOME!!
3. I love playing video games...something I really miss spending time doing. Too much going on with work and family, it takes a backseat. I would totally be content being locked in my bedroom playing NCAA Football video game for a whole weekend...as long as someone brought me food, of course.
4. Speaking of NCAA football video game...I have never been beaten! I have literally played millions of games on there and against several people.
5. I really love carpentry and woodwork...I would really love to learn how to do it and be good at it. I also wouldn't mind making a career out of it.
6. I have had 14 vehicles since I was 16...and I am 28.
7. I remember telling my Mom that I didn't want to work in the IT field after graduating high school (while temping with Mid-Del Schools 2 years during HS)...I have now been working in IT for a total of 11 years...9 being with my current employer).
8. I have never been able to attend an OU-TX game....I Know!!!
9. I am so afraid of heights that I don't even like the ferris wheel or high dive.
10. I am a somewhat picky eater...pretty much a steak and potatoes kind of person.
11. Also, if I don't have some sort of meat during the day, it makes me feel drained.
12. I end up sitting behind my wife and brushing her hair pretty much every night...just because I know she enjoys it.
13. I don't like the long drive home from work (28 miles and about 50 minutes)...but I actually like it in the mornings because I spend it in prayer/reflection. On my way home, I am praying, too...just praying as I grasp the steering wheel at a dead stop on I-35.
14. I enjoy waking up earlier than I need to for work...that way I don't feel rushed and can pace myself. Even though I enjoy it, I still end up waiting in bed for the last possible minute and end up scrambling around!
15. I really want to build my next house with my own hands. I think it would be even more awesome knowing that you did it yourself.
16. I know that because I still feel the satisfaction when I think about the wood flooring. My father-in-law and I installed about 1,000 sq ft of it in about 16 hours, over a Saturday and Sunday. My knees still remember that feeling!
17. I don't spend money at all (no shopping at stores or online), there is only one thing that I really like and that is eating lunch with the guys at work. I wish I could find a way to do that (with eating wherever we are) without spending money. I have a hard time letting that go sometimes. It is nice to just get away from work, hang out, eat food, etc...but $30-40 per week, $120-160 per month, yeah!
18. I have never been in the hospital or had any surgeries. I've only had a few doctor office visits from being sick and a few x-rays making sure I didn't break any fingers or have any cartlidge torn in my knees (I had knee problems my Jr & Sr year and a couple years after HS).
19. I lived next door to Jason White (Former OU QB and Heisman winner) for 2 years during his playing days at OU. I became really close friends with him and his family...and I also became the personal computer tech for the OU football team.
20. I have got to hold the Heisman Trophy...that is something I will never forget. It is definitely much bigger and heavier then it looks on tv! Thanks Jason!
21. I have a HUGE Michael Jordan collection of cards and lots of memorabilia...I even have a Michael Jordan rookie card in mint condition. I want to sell it all, but no idea where to even begin.
22. I have thought a few times about a tattoo, but I don't even like needles when drawing blood or shots. I don't think that will ever happen.
23. I played the drums in a praise and worship band for about 4 years. Fortunately and unfortunately, we all got married and some moved away...and kids came. It really was a blast and nerve racking sometimes...because we would literally walk on stage in front of 100 people with only a quick run through before people walked in. We were too good to practice! Just kidding...that really shows the power of God, just that He was able to use the noise of our instruments for His glory!
24. I absolutely HATE yard work...I would rather do just about anything else. It isn't even a one time thing...it has to be done about twice a week at times. And why is it required during the hottest time of year!?!?
25. My wife just gave me my first waxing on my chest. The first pull didn't hurt too bad, and I made the mistake of saying so. She let me have on the second pull by making sure she went right down the middle with lots of hair.