Monday, January 07, 2008

Perfect Church!!!

Why do I have such lofty expectations of a church here in this world? I want to combine the preaching and music worship of with the church atmosphere of a smaller, more intimate church. I want my kids to experience the close knit youth group that I went through...where you have the core group of kids from children's church through high school graduation as friends. A church where you know your children have awesome lessons for their age group every week from 1 year old to 18....and even into college.

Just curious...what are 5 things you want in a church? Obviously, same beliefs....what next? I'll start with mine...though it might change after hearing some others.

1. Awesome preaching...basically, Craig Groschel. I've had a few good ones...and a couple not so much. There is a huge difference in my walk with Jesus when I have the good ones...which is more of my fault for not doing more on my own.

2. Full band, or willing to if it had the people to play (you can even mix hymns in there with contemporary music). I absolutely love music worship at South OKC!

3. Children's program...I want to know my children (and we will have plenty, Lord willing) are being taken care of. Obviously, being homeschooled, our kids will receive plenty of lessons at home...but I want them to receive it at church, and not babysat (even as a 1 year old).

4. A church with a heart for people...a selfless church will do AMAZING things. Also a "self centered" church ends up turning their back on the ones who need to hear the gospel, which is so important as christians...we are to spread the good news!

5. A church that is willing to try new things to reach the lost/community, as opposed to grasping onto traditions. How many have heard "we've never done that before"? I don't want to hear that at church...I want the church to do whatever it takes, short of sin, to reach the lost.

I am currently attending a church that is AMAZING at 4 of my top 5 things...but I feel lacks in one area. I do have a few doubts/concerns in a couple other areas...but is it all enough to leave seeking something I won't find?


Robin Meadows said...

You won't find it. There is no perfect church (after all, it's made of imperfect people ;)

My 13 yo grew up with the same kids he is attending church with now. He is involved with a core youth group and they now have youth life groups. Is it perfect? No. But it's real....hang in there!!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Obviously no one will ever find a perfect church, but I think you can find the perfect church for you.

The problem with us is that we want the opportunities that a large church affords and the community with EVERYONE that a small church can exhibit.

Doug said...

1. Biblically Faithful
2. Engages Culture
3. Lives are Changed (what used to be called revival)
4. Fun (quiet- don't say that to loud)

How about what happened in the book of Acts in 2008!!