Monday, June 11, 2007

Homeschooling Objections and Responses:

Objection - This is a new idea. How do you know it will work?
Answer - Home schooling is not a new idea. It is how education was done in Biblical times. It is how many of the founding fathers of the United States were educated. Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Edison were home schooled. So we know it will work because it has been working for centuries. Government schools are the new idea. It is an experiment that is not proving to be very successful.

Objection - Your child won't be able to participate in high school athletics.
Answer - That may or may not be true, depending on the area where one lives (not the case in in Norman, OK and surrounding metro area). However, even if it is true, making right decisions often involves sacrifice. I would rather see my child get a quality education in a loving Christian atmosphere than have him play football. Additionally, what percentage of students really get to play high school sports? Only the best make the team. And only the best of those actually get to play. But there are many ways (little league, recreation leagues, etc.) to participate in sports without being on a high school team.

Objection - The shared government school experience is essential to our nation.
Answer - The nation was doing just fine before the "government school experience" began. Government schools did not start becoming common until well after the founding of the United States.

Objection - What if they *want* to go to government school?
Answer - Suppose children *want* to do cocaine? Does that mean they should be permitted to do so? Children are not allowed to make all of their own decisions for the simple reason that they are not mature enough to do so. They are often unable to assess all of the necessary information to make the right choices. That's what parents are for. It is their responsibility to make those decisions for their children.

Objection - Government schools were good enough for us, so they should be good enough for our children (implied here was also, "They should be good enough for your children, too!").
Answer - Outhouses were good enough for earlier generations of my family but that doesn't mean I should get rid of my indoor plumbing. Also, the people teaching, the children going to school and the curricula in use are not the same as they used to be. Besides, I don't want what's "good enough" for my child. I want what is best for him.

Objection - They won't get the necessary social skills in a homeschool environment that they would get in the public school system.
Answer - You're right, they'll get better social skills! Only in the public school system, are you locked down to strictly spending your time with people your age. Once you are out of school, you have to deal with people from old to young. Also, there are many co-ops, church/christian groups, homeschooler groups out there...not to mention extra-curricular activities (dance, choirs, etc) for homeschoolers where they will interact with other kids. Also, if you are involved in a local church...they will be around kids about their age during the kids classes.

I will leave you with this thought. If God has called you or someone else to homeschool and "raise up their child", then who can judge them/you for that? I would rather my kids be raised/taught by us with christian background/beliefs, then what the world might/would put into their mind. We will raise our kids with values, morals, and God...which will give them a firm foundation to stand upon for when they go out into the world. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"!


Anonymous said...

I think homeschooling is one of those things that has its good and bad sides. And for each family there is a solution that works best for them. For you it is homeschooling!

teeth bleaching

Unknown said...

What a great post!!! Thanks for those questions!

Anonymous said...

Objection 1./Answer 1. Ever heard of the synagogue, also used in biblical times, and I'm confused, are you implying Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln were founding fathers...sounds like something a homeschooled kid would say.

Objection 2./Answer 2. Implication is that they won't get a quaility education in public schools is ridiculous considering the alternative is an education coming from a parent, who 9 out of 10 times doesn't have a college degree. Plus there is a great deal to be learned in participating in team sports.

Objection 3./Answer 3. Government school is not the issue here, it is public school, which existed before the foundation of this nation, and has never ceased to exist, wether government funded or not.

Objection 4./Answer 4. Most, and I say most (not all), parents who choose homeschooling don't have the necessary information to make the right choices. What information exists on the success rate of homeschooled kids, there adademic achievement beyoned highschool, or there social adaptation beyond there house arest, I mean home schooling experience.

Objection 5./Answer 5. Comparison is made where an outhouse is to indoor plumbing as public education is to homeschooling. That is the most lopsided ridiculous camparison I have ever heard or seen. Teachers today are held to higher standards than ever before and the curriculum (for the most part) is far more advanced and challenging than in years past...When did you first experience algebra, I bet it wasn't 1st grade, like most of today's public school students.

Objection 6./Answer 6. Impication is that in public school you only interact with students your own age is idiotic and a complete misconception. You obviously didn't attend public school. Besides the obviously cross grade level socialing that takes place in grade school, most students can experince social interaction with students both younger and older on a daily basis throughout Jr. High and High School...Another good thing that comes from team sports by the way. All the activities mentioned for homeschoolers are available to public school students as well...the problem is that several parents who home school don't participate is said activities, nor do they care to.

Raise up your child as God would have you raise them, but do it in the world, not seperated from it. Doing so just sets up your student to face a world they don't know how to handle and temptations they have never faced before, all while out of you reach and out from under your watch. Wether it be college or just life that takes your child out from under your roof, it is best to send them out prepared and aware, then disheveled and oblivious.

Anonymous said...

Hear hear! Well said. I'm a former homeschooling mom myself. Thanks for this post.