Sunday, June 24, 2007

Weekend Reflection

Well, we had a pretty uneventful weekend. I didn't have to do much work this weekend, which is good and bad. The good reasons are obvious, the bad one's are they are still needing to be done.

Friday night, Addy had her final swim lesson for level 1. Ann got to come down for that, then after that was over she took Addy and me to her house. We would only have one car in Choctaw that way, since Liz was already at the chapel. We spent the night up there on Friday night with Liz having two more weddings on Saturday.

Saturday, we got up and Liz went to the chapel. I pretty much sat around the house before Addy and myself went to help Liz clean candles and pick up the flower petals. After we were finished there, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Golden Palace, in Midwest City. After eating lunch, we went by the mall, that mall is practically closed (half the stores are empty). I grew up in Midwest City before moving to Norman when I was 20. After the mall, we went by Sally's Beauty Supply to pickup some nail polish for Liz. She had been wearing boots and after all that walking, her feet were really hurting. Luckily, she had some sandals in the trunk of the car, but her nails needed to be done. By this time, it was about time for her to be back at the chapel for the next I dropped her off and went back by Ann's house. I was only there for a little while....I had to get mine and Liz's stuff together, but Addy was spending Saturday night as well. After loading the car, I went by the gas station, picked Liz up and headed home for the night., what a great message this morning. I am so glad that I started attending has been such a blessing. I will definitely need to post the Jonah series on here soon, which is what we are currently in. After church was over, we had lunch at Red Robin in Norman...then headed home. I got home and was planning on working this afternoon. I started mowing before the rain moved never fails here lately. Jody (father-in-law) showed up to help me with the flat tire on the SUV...he had a tire flat repair kit (the tire had a screw in it). After that, I came in and showered, watched a movie, then took about a hour long nap with Liz. Jody had to come back down here (with us telling him not to repeatedly) because he was supposed to bring Liz's black book which has her driver's license, insurance card, money, etc. He showed up while Liz was at the grocery store, he only stayed about 5 minutes...I really didn't want him to drive down here for that, it is ridiculous. I am so ready for bed...I am still waiting on Liz to get here so I can carry in the groceries. That is pretty much it...I am just hanging out with Addy until she gets here. I hope everyone had a great weekend...unfortunately, it is time for another Monday....yay!

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