Thursday, June 28, 2007

What Are Your Priorities? - Something to Think About

I saw the following message from LifeChurch South OKC's youth pastor, Wade Smith. I think it is so good and so true that I needed to pass along. Check it out:

Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who made an astounding discovery about a hundred years ago. He suggested that a principle is at work that applies to money, people, and time. Some call it the 80/20 Principle. This principle teaches us about handling our priorities. Here it is in a nutshell: When you practice the right priorities, 20% of your effort gets you 80% of your desired results. In other words, twenty percent of our tasks are more fruitful than the other eighty percent. Think about that in relation to your life for a minute. What things in your life do you spend the majority of your time on?

Now a better question: Do those things glorify God? I don’t know about you but I often struggle with getting EVERYTHING done. At the end of the day I often wonder why I don’t feel as productive as I should or wonder why I don’t get as much time with God as I would like. If this principle is true, and I believe it is, then I, like a lot of us must refocus my priorities! I think most of us would agree that God should come first, but if we’re honest, most of our priorities don’t reflect that statement. I want us all to take a long look at the way we spend our time. If God isn’t your first priority then I say it’s time to put first things first!! It will be astonishing just how much things will begin to change in our lives!

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