Thursday, May 24, 2007

Dangerous Church

In light of the topic recently about contemporary versus traditional churches, I looked up church in Pastor Craig's messages. I found this one that stood out to me. I don't want to be a part of a "safe" church...which "strives to keep members happy", "avoids controversial issues", and "remains cautious". That last one stands out to me...."we've never done anything like that before"....yes, you've heard it all too many times. What if we took the "we don't do that here" approach and instead asked God how He would like it done?

Watch the message and find out why God didn't intend for the church to play it "safe". God has called us to GO into the world and teach people about the salvation that our gracious Lord provides...I think we should do whatever it takes to get that message to the people. Sometimes that even means thinking outside the box and being get the message to people that wouldn't normally attend church (unlike what many churches a building and hope they come to you).

1 comment:

HomeSchool Mommy said...

We're fortunate! We have an amazing church with an awesome pastor and staff. We have great worship, nice people, and tons of opportunities to serve Him and others. :)