Sunday, July 15, 2007

Got Promoted!

I already blogged about my Saturday and how much work I got done. I will just talk about Sunday this time.

I think I told you a week or two ago that Liz and I serve during two other services, so we are there from 9:30am-2:30pm. The first service we are part of the Host Team...we are ushers, we greet people (open door, help find them a seat, etc) and at the end of service we take up the offering.

We attend the 11:30am service, then for the 1pm service...we serve in the LifeKids area. Two weeks ago I worked with 4 year olds (Liz rocked babies), then last week we were with ToonTown (6 years old-3rd grade). They let you move around to different classes until you find what you like...well we really liked that class...that is where we wanted to serve. We just help out with the kids and all. There is another couple in there like us...then there is an emcee and a dj/producer. The emcee does all the talking (besides the dvd) and creates all the kid interaction...the dj/producer is in charge of running the lights, sound board, dvd, just the man who makes the show go.

Well, we went into our LifeKids class today. The man who was the dj/producer for awhile said that he is now working Saturday nights and won't be in there. Not sure why he switched and they didn't have anybody ready to fill in. They went and got one of the employees of the church, he gave me a quick 2 minute intro to how it all works. Now I guess I'm the new dj/producer of LifeKids ToonTown. It went pretty well...there is a lot to do and remember. Liz said she couldn't even tell that it was my first time. Matter of fact, it went so well that she just thought it was a one button operation...that is until she came up there to where I sit and checked it out. I have a computer with a lot of sliders/buttons that controls the light show. I have a knobs for window shades and main lights in the room. I have the sound board that controls all the microphones and audio for the dvd players and program. There is quite a bit of equipment up there for a "class". It went really well, and it sounds like they just want me to do it. I got a promotion on my second week on the job...the guy showing me and the emcee both kept saying "did you like it", "how did it go", "is it something you'd like to do" I figure they want me to do it.

After church, we hurried home to get a ton of free homeschool stuff out of the garage. A few weeks ago, we were given tons of stuff from a lady in Edmond...we picked out what we wanted and passed along the awesome stuff. We met two amazing families (well the mom/wife and a daughter from each family) who were really good friends and came together. It even got to the point where we invited them inside to keep talking. They are each a large homeschooling has 10 kids, the other 12 kids. With our talking in regards to birth control, we were just so interested in everything about them. They are awesome people and am glad to have met them.

Later, Liz and I went to eat at Golden Palace in Midwest City. After dinner, we met Jody (Liz's dad) so that we could get Addy and Chance. Addy went with Liz's parents after the 11:30 service so she could spend some quality time with them instead of attending a 3rd class that day. Chance is staying with us potentially for a month (minus weekends). He is going to work with me tomorrow morning for a job interview, which they more than likely will hire. If hired, he will work the rest of the summer until school starts. That will give him some much wanted cash and job experience. Plus, if things go well...they will have him back next summer after he graduates, giving him a permanent job. They might even train him to become a tech like me (he will start off as a cable puller) with his interest in long as he works hard and proves that he can do the job. If he slacks, I will haunt name is on the line. haha!

That is pretty much it...good times!


ann said...

God is good - ALL THE TIME! How cool that you get to work the sound board! I know you must have loved it! Thanks so much for getting Chance the interview - I'm so excited about the possibilities ahead for him! Love you guys,

SheriYates said...

Hi guys. I don't know you, but I see you go to Life - I love the video on your wife's space. Which campus do you attend? We go to Edmond. Love your heart for God.

Maybe we could bump into your family one weekend.

Ps - i would love some help setting up my blogspot. You have it laid out SO well. I can't get the videos on mine or some reason.... hmmm...