Sunday, July 22, 2007

Liz and Me

1. Who eats more?
Definitely me...I can put food away, obviously.

2. Who said "I love you" first?
I don't remember...all that matters is that we love one another.

3. Who sings better?
Liz does...I love when she sings.

4. Who's Older?
Me...6 months and a day older.

5. Who's smarter?
We are both intelligent...though we are both smarter in particular (but different) areas.

6. Whose temper is worse?
That would probably be mine...sometimes I don't take criticism too well, especially after an already long day.

7. Who does the laundry?
Neither of us...seriously. We wash some when we run out, though we never have 1/4 cleaned at once.

8. Who does the dishes?
We both wash dishes.

9. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Liz does.

10. Whose feet are bigger?

11. Whose hair is longer?
Obviously, Liz's.

12. Whose better with the computer? is my job and all.

13. Who mows the lawn?
I do...I don't want my wife to ever do it. I feel it is the man's job. How could I feel like a man, being inside while my wife was in the heat mowing the yard?

14. Who pays the bills?
We both do.

15. Who cooks dinner?
We both do some...unless it is fast food.

16. Who drives when you are together?
Mostly, me. I drive probably 90% of the time...that is usually because Liz is putting on makeup on the ride.

17. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
Usually me, unless she has the cash.

18. Who's the most stubborn?
We both are. ;-)

19. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?

20. Whose parents do you see more?
Liz's. She works in Choctaw on the weekends, so we usually end up spending the night. We both love my parents, and we can't wait to spend time with them.

21. Who named your dog?
We just kept the dog's previous name.

22. Who kissed who first?
Liz kissed me...yep.

23. Who asked who out?
Liz asked me out to a concert at Oklahoma Christian...she asked me the same day and I couldn't make it. The next time, I asked to meet her on my way back from Broken Bow...we had our first date then.

24. Who's more sensitive?
Liz is...though she will swear that I am.

25. Who's taller?
Me, by a centimeter.

26. Who has more friends?
We both have a bunch.

27. Who has more siblings?
Liz does.

28. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
I DO! No matter what she thinks.


HomeSchool Mommy said...

Hmmm...I'm just not sure I agree with your answers...

Taller than me? HA!

I'M more sensitive?!?! HA!!! HA!!!

I'll let you wear the pants...that's fine. :)

ann said...

You two are so funny! . . . and so stubborn . . . and so . . well you get the idea! Okay, now I'm looking at #20 and yes, you do spend the night most weekends with us - but no where in that statement do you say that love us! I see that you mention how much you love your parents and I love your parents too. They are wonderful people and I love - and am very thankful - that they took in Elizabeth and Addy as if they had always belonged! I know your parents will be there on Friday night and I know that I will see you on Sunday at church, so between now and then maybe you will begin to feel that you can't wait to see us too!
Just kidding - except the part about the two of you. . . and the part about your parents . . . and the part about you see them Friday and us Sunday - but the rest of it, just kidding!
Love you,

Dena said...

That is fun! I love reading your wife's blog although you keep up with yours more!!! And you always have GREAT WW pictures!

Julie said...

Hey, I grew up in Broken Bow!! My parents also grew up there, as did my grandparents and great-grandparents. Are you from there?