Friday, April 27, 2007

God's blessings are upon us...

God is blessing us! I know He is rewarding us! Here is an example:

Last night I put clothes in the washer, and I always check every single pocket before putting the clothes in. I found a couple pieces of paper in my pants, but that was pretty much the extent of my findings. Before going to bed, I put the clothes in the dryer. This morning I woke up, to run the dryer cycle one last time before I got ready. When I went back to the dryer, I opened the dryer door. When I opened the dryer door, right on top were two $20 bills. I immediately grabbed my clothes and went to tell Liz...who was still in bed. There was nothing in the dryer when I put the clothes in, and there was nothing in ANY pocket...definitely a gift of God.

He is definitely taking care of us!


HomeSchool Mommy said...

Okay...I agree God is blessing us...but, really? You don't think there was something in ANY of the many pockets that were in that dryer? Actually, come to think of it...that money was in my pockets...give me my money back!!!

Okie Food Traveler said...

Well, the only thing in that load was my clothes. Couldn't have been your's! I checked the pockets, and I have this habit of looking the washer and dryer over before I stick clothes in them. I don't know, really.

Okie Food Traveler said...

Plus, I can't remember the last time I had cash (other than to pay M yesterday)...certainly not with those clothes I wore during this week. I haven't had cash, especially $40 cash.

Sonya said...

How cool! God is so amazing. He has done the most amazing things throughout our lives. It's such a wonderful blessing to be His child!

Annie said...

That is awesome!